Adult Education at St. Matthew's
For many years, the people of St. Matthew's have gathered for regular small-group meetings to discuss and learn a world of theological and scriptural topics and more. Both virtually and in-person, we continue to gather collegially to dig into progressive Christianity and issues, the intersection of the news and issues of the day, and the impact of our baptismal covenant on our everyday lives. If you are interested in any of the groups, we invite you to register for Adult Education; we will keep you informed about all the groups, and you are warmly welcome to take part in any or all. Join us!

Weekday Programming and Classes
Book Group
Daughters of the King
EfM (Education for Ministry)
Going Deeper
Ladies Lunch Bunch
Daughters of the King
EfM (Education for Ministry)
Going Deeper
Ladies Lunch Bunch
Men in Conversation
Men's Breakfast Group
Monday Morning Bible Study
Pub Theology
Women in Conversation
Virtual Adult Education
Men's Breakfast Group
Monday Morning Bible Study
Pub Theology
Women in Conversation
Virtual Adult Education

Sunday Formation Classes
Clingman Forum
St. Matt's Newcomers' Class
St. Matt's Newcomers' Class
Program Descriptions
Book Group
Second Monday 1:30p
We read a wide variety of books that are available with the Louisville Public Library’s Book Kits. No purchase of books is necessary. The focus of the group is fun, fellowship, and lively discussions of the books and any other subject that may present itself. We welcome all.
Clingman Forum
Sundays After 10a Eucharist
Clingman Chapel
Clingman Chapel
Clingman Forum aims to help the St. Matthew’s community get through life by listening to and educating each other and creating something new together. It aims to provide a non-judgmental, apolitical forum to encourage out-of-the-box or divergent thinking. Classes are in-person and streamed via Zoom.
Daughters of the King
First Thursday 6:00p
Meeting Room A
Meeting Room A
As a Daughter of the King, each Daughter takes a lifetime vow to live by the rules of life: prayer and service. A Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. We welcome all women to become a member of the Daughter of the King.
EfM (Education for Ministry)
One Day Per Week
EfM is an in-depth adult educational opportunity that combines the study of scripture, church history, and theology. The four-year course is intended to help lay church members gain a strong understanding of the Bible. Students learn to reflect from a theological perspective on issues that face us daily.
Times TBA
Locations Vary
Locations Vary
Foyer--a French word meaning 'hearthside' implying the warmth of a close group of friends sharing a common love and concern for each other. There are four types of foyer groups: restaurant dinner, restaurant brunch, home, and family. We join together for a meal and fellowship.
Going Deeper
Second/Fourth Thursday 9:45a
Locations Vary
Locations Vary
This study group of 9-12 people meets for fellowship and support as we participate in various studies that lead us deeper spiritually. Everyone is welcome to join any of the studies, where we share and honor our personal insights and stories and value different perspectives.
Ladies Lunch Bunch
Third Thursday 11:30a
Locations Vary
Locations Vary
Lunch Bunch is open to all women in the parish and meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30 A.M. We gather at a local restaurant, chosen by the group, to enjoy each other and good food.
Men in Conversation
Third Tuesday
Westport Village Wild Eggs
Westport Village Wild Eggs
Men in Conversation is a lay-led conversation group. We usually discuss a source, such as a book or podcast, which may or may not cover a religious topic. When we read a book, we discuss a chapter a week.
Men's Breakfast Group
Times TBA
Locations Vary
Locations Vary
The Men’s Breakfast gathers like a foyer group to enjoy a good meal and good company. The focus is on caring for one another. Times and locations of breakfasts vary.
Monday Morning Bible Study
Monday 10:00a
Zoom/Church Library
Zoom/Church Library
We start by visiting with one another and asking questions about what is going on in our parishes and in the larger church. At 10:15a, we begin the study with a prayer. Individuals take turns reading through the text and then ask questions together.
Pub Theology
Second Thursday 6:00p
Location Varies
Location Varies
In a blend of adult education and social gathering, we gather monthly over food and drink to enjoy being together while we discuss a theological, spiritual, or scriptural topic relevant to current events.
St. Matt's Newcomers' Class
Sunday 11:00a Spring/Fall
This is a class for newcomers and those curious about the Episcopal Church and St. Matthew’s. It is held several times throughout the year after the 10a Sunday service.
Women in Conversation
Tuesday 12:00p
Church Library
Church Library
Women in Conversation is a lay-led conversation group. We usually discuss a source, such as a book or podcast, which may or may not cover a religious topic. When we read a book, we discuss a chapter a week.
Virtual Adult Education
Monday 6:00p
We gather weekly in Virtual Adult Education for lively, collegial discussions in which everyone has a voice. We often include a video with a modern theologian or teacher as we seek to learn more about faith and life and a world of theological and scriptural topics and more.