Weekly Worship Services
Sunday Eucharist: 8a, 10a (Streamed), and 5p
Wednesday Healing Eucharist: 10a (Streamed)
The Way We Worship

Our Open Table
At St. Matthew’s, we believe that all of us who seek God and are drawn to God through Christ are welcome at God’s table.
During the service, you will remain seated until guided by the ushers to the communion rail. Return to your seat after communion by the side aisles. If for any reason you do not desire to receive communion, you may come to the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest. The priest will give you a blessing. If you need gluten-free bread, please ask the priest giving out bread at the communion rail.
During the service, you will remain seated until guided by the ushers to the communion rail. Return to your seat after communion by the side aisles. If for any reason you do not desire to receive communion, you may come to the altar rail and cross your arms over your chest. The priest will give you a blessing. If you need gluten-free bread, please ask the priest giving out bread at the communion rail.

Attending Sunday Eucharist
The principal service of The Episcopal Church is the Eucharist (“Holy Communion”). At St. Matthew’s, we have three Sunday liturgies at which we celebrate Eucharist: 8a, 10a, & 5p.
The 8 a.m. Eucharist is small and does not have a choir, but it does have an organ and the congregation sings hymns.
Our 10a Eucharist is our biggest Sunday service. This liturgy has a full choir and organist (and often other musicians). During our 10a service, we also have worship services for children. Click here for information about our Children’s Worship Services.
Our 5p Eucharist on Sunday is more modern, often with “folk” music and a more relaxed atmosphere.
Visitors are welcome at any of our services.
The 8 a.m. Eucharist is small and does not have a choir, but it does have an organ and the congregation sings hymns.
Our 10a Eucharist is our biggest Sunday service. This liturgy has a full choir and organist (and often other musicians). During our 10a service, we also have worship services for children. Click here for information about our Children’s Worship Services.
Our 5p Eucharist on Sunday is more modern, often with “folk” music and a more relaxed atmosphere.
Visitors are welcome at any of our services.

The Book of Common Prayer
Words to all our liturgies are found in The Book of Common Prayer which can be found in the book slot in your pew. The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) contains prayers for daily use and prayers for the celebration of the Eucharist. The Book of Common Prayer has evolved over the years. The first Prayer Book is attributed to Thomas Cranmer, who in 1549, drew on traditional resources to create services that were prayed in English for the first time. This collection of prayers and responses provides the basic structure for the current Prayer Book being used in the Episcopal Church. The version in use today was last revised in 1979.

Participating in the Service
St. Matthew’s, like all Episcopal churches, is a “liturgical” church. This means that during our Eucharist services, people participate through their verbal responses, readings from Holy Scripture, singing of hymns, offering prayers, and by receiving Holy Communion. The congregation participates in all aspects of the liturgy, which has a set format.
During the liturgy, the congregation refrains from talking, except at the “Sign of Peace,” where we reverently greet each other. Limiting talking allows for thought and reflection on our personal experience with God.
Practices vary - even among Episcopalians – as regarding sitting, standing and kneeling. Watch the people around you for clues, and do whatever feels comfortable. The general rule is to stand to sing. Hymns are found in the Hymnal books in the pews. Other music is printed in the worship bulletins you are given.
We stand to say our affirmation of faith, the Nicene Creed and for the Gospel reading. Psalms are sung or said sitting. We sit for the Old Testament or New Testament readings, the sermon, and the choir anthems. We stand or kneel for prayer. Some Episcopalians make the sign of the cross or bow at particular times and kneel for prayer upon entering the Nave. Silence is usually kept before services.
During the liturgy, the congregation refrains from talking, except at the “Sign of Peace,” where we reverently greet each other. Limiting talking allows for thought and reflection on our personal experience with God.
Practices vary - even among Episcopalians – as regarding sitting, standing and kneeling. Watch the people around you for clues, and do whatever feels comfortable. The general rule is to stand to sing. Hymns are found in the Hymnal books in the pews. Other music is printed in the worship bulletins you are given.
We stand to say our affirmation of faith, the Nicene Creed and for the Gospel reading. Psalms are sung or said sitting. We sit for the Old Testament or New Testament readings, the sermon, and the choir anthems. We stand or kneel for prayer. Some Episcopalians make the sign of the cross or bow at particular times and kneel for prayer upon entering the Nave. Silence is usually kept before services.