Our mission is to be a caring, inclusive community, centered in the Eucharist and grounded in the Gospel, so that we can reach out as Christ's hands to the world.
Affirming Priciples and Values
Affirming Principles
We are a caring, inclusive community...
St. Matthew was an outcast in his time. We honor St. Matthew by welcoming the outcasts of our time. We believe in the value of every person, regardless of physical, economic or social condition, and we strive to be a community which serves the unique spiritual needs of all God’s children. We respect and honor others who worship one God. We acknowledge that God created all things and, as God’s stewards, we strive to care for all creation.
Centered in the Eucharist...
The Eucharist, at the very core of our community, reveals the truth that we are one in Christ, and strengthens and renews us for service. All persons are welcome to worship with us, to share the Eucharist at God’s table, and to assist our efforts in the greater community to proclaim God’s word.
Grounded in the Gospel...
Jesus preached a message of compassion, inclusion and love. So do we.
We are a community of compassion. Our bonds are based on God’s overwhelming love, rather than narrow definitions of doctrine and behavior. We accept people at all points in their spiritual journeys, and support each other as we question and grow in faith.
So that we can reach out as Christ's hands to the world.
We care about and for others — both within and beyond our community of faith — and always take into account an individual’s personhood and need. We believe that there are unique needs of God’s people at every stage of their journeys, and we seek to provide programs and support to serve spiritual needs throughout life.
We reach out to address the world’s physical and spiritual needs, rather than waiting for the world to come to us.
St. Matthew was an outcast in his time. We honor St. Matthew by welcoming the outcasts of our time. We believe in the value of every person, regardless of physical, economic or social condition, and we strive to be a community which serves the unique spiritual needs of all God’s children. We respect and honor others who worship one God. We acknowledge that God created all things and, as God’s stewards, we strive to care for all creation.
Centered in the Eucharist...
The Eucharist, at the very core of our community, reveals the truth that we are one in Christ, and strengthens and renews us for service. All persons are welcome to worship with us, to share the Eucharist at God’s table, and to assist our efforts in the greater community to proclaim God’s word.
Grounded in the Gospel...
Jesus preached a message of compassion, inclusion and love. So do we.
We are a community of compassion. Our bonds are based on God’s overwhelming love, rather than narrow definitions of doctrine and behavior. We accept people at all points in their spiritual journeys, and support each other as we question and grow in faith.
So that we can reach out as Christ's hands to the world.
We care about and for others — both within and beyond our community of faith — and always take into account an individual’s personhood and need. We believe that there are unique needs of God’s people at every stage of their journeys, and we seek to provide programs and support to serve spiritual needs throughout life.
We reach out to address the world’s physical and spiritual needs, rather than waiting for the world to come to us.

Spiritual Growth: We cultivate strong relationships with God through study, dialogue, and worship and we are a supportive place for individuals and families to grow as Christians together.
Social Justice: We work to repair unjust structural systems (political, educational, housing, economic, judicial, environmental, healthcare, and immigration) in our community.
Active Involvement: We encourage full participation (worship, formation, service) from the entire membership of St. Matthew’s.
Serving Others: We live out our Christian faith by service and charitable acts to our parish, families, and community.
Intellectually Curious: We learn with critical reflection and encourage different points of view.
Welcoming: We foster a hospitable environment that embraces diversity in all its dimensions.
Partnerships: We engage in partnerships with other faith communities outside of our congregation to share God’s work in the world.
Social Justice: We work to repair unjust structural systems (political, educational, housing, economic, judicial, environmental, healthcare, and immigration) in our community.
Active Involvement: We encourage full participation (worship, formation, service) from the entire membership of St. Matthew’s.
Serving Others: We live out our Christian faith by service and charitable acts to our parish, families, and community.
Intellectually Curious: We learn with critical reflection and encourage different points of view.
Welcoming: We foster a hospitable environment that embraces diversity in all its dimensions.
Partnerships: We engage in partnerships with other faith communities outside of our congregation to share God’s work in the world.
Annual Report & Vision Implementation
Learn more about activities, committees and finances from the previous year.
Learn more about our vision and current long-term goals for the parish.