St. Matthew's and Dare to Care Food Pantry
3rd Saturday of the month from 9-10:30 am
Food Pantry dates for 2024 are as follows:
December 21, 2024
Food Pantry dates for 2025 are as follows:
January 18, 2025July 19, 2025
February 15, 2025August 16, 2025
March 15, 2025September 20, 2025
April 19, 2025October 18, 2025
May 17, 2025November 15, 2025
June 21, 2025December 20, 2025

Pick-Up Instructions
At St. Matthew’s Food Pantry, no one is turned away and identification or proof of income is not required. Because of the pandemic, the Food Pantry is currently operating as a no-contact, social-distancing, drive-through pickup behind the church building at 330 N. Hubbards Lane. Distribution is usually from 9:00-11a on the third Saturday. All guests must wear masks and stay in their cars when they come to receive food. Even if you’re inside the car, we ask you keep your mask on so we can all stay safe.
We need warm hearts and smiling faces – youth and adult – and everyone has a fun time! The number of families we serve continues to increase! To keep up with the heavy traffic we need more “volunteers” on Food Pantry Saturday. Ideally, to volunteer, plan to arrive at 8:30a to help set-up. We begin distributing food at 10a.
Here are some of the things you might do:
set out food from Dare to Care
portion and distribute groceries
help direct traffic in the parking lot
roll carts out to cars
load cars and return carts
There’s on-site training!
Here are some of the things you might do:
set out food from Dare to Care
portion and distribute groceries
help direct traffic in the parking lot
roll carts out to cars
load cars and return carts
There’s on-site training!
Our Mission
Inspired by author and Dimensions of Faith speaker Sara Miles’s charismatic ministry to feed people, St. Matthew’s opened its first monthly food pantry in March, 2010, with food provided by Dare to Care, the citywide food bank that distributes food to those in need. Twenty-five families made up of more than 100 people were served on opening day, with over 987 families served by the end of the first year.
The only weekend food pantry in Louisville’s east end, it is open once each month, and currently serves well over 200 families in a typical month. From the very beginning, following the practice we learned from Sara Miles, we invite guests, parishioners, and other volunteers of all ages to join in making the pantry happen. No one who comes for food is turned away, and we require no identification or proof of income. As in Matthew 25, “When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat.”
The only weekend food pantry in Louisville’s east end, it is open once each month, and currently serves well over 200 families in a typical month. From the very beginning, following the practice we learned from Sara Miles, we invite guests, parishioners, and other volunteers of all ages to join in making the pantry happen. No one who comes for food is turned away, and we require no identification or proof of income. As in Matthew 25, “When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat.”