The St. Matthew's Library is Open to All!
Regular Hours:
Sundays: 9:15AM - 11:15AM
( Library is open at this time for self-checkout)
11:15AM - 12:00PM (with library staff)
Weekdays: By Appointment
Arrange by calling the church during regular office hours or by email:
Our Collection
The library currently houses over three thousand items dealing with such diverse topics as church history, theology, world religions, Bible history and interpretation, prayer, human relationships, Bible commentaries, Bible dictionaries and other reference works. The collection includes a dedicated children’s section with age-appropriate materials for preschoolers and older children. A large portion of the book collection is available for circulation. In addition to books, the library also features various DVDs and CDs. A wonderful display window allows hallway passerby to see a rotating display of various St. Matthew’s artifacts and other materials. A computer is also located in the library for users to conduct online research.

Reading Spotlight

Raising White Kids
Jennifer Harvey
This New York Times best-selling book is a guide for families, educators, and communities to raise their children to be able and active anti-racist allies. - Amazon

Daughters of the Desert
Clare Rudolf Murphy et al
How would the most cherished stories of Christianity, Judaism and Islam be different if women were the active central figures?
This ground-breaking collection of short stories brings to life the women―daring, brave, thoughtful and wise―who played important and exciting roles in the early days of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. - Amazon
This ground-breaking collection of short stories brings to life the women―daring, brave, thoughtful and wise―who played important and exciting roles in the early days of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. - Amazon

We Too Sing America
Deepa Iyer
The nationally renowned racial justice advocate's illumination of the ongoing persecution of a range of American minorities. - Amazon

Wholehearted Faith
Rachel Held Evans
“A touching series of essays in which Held Evans, with Chu’s invisible pen, explores how one might find a path forward in Christianity beyond conservative evangelicalism” -Eliza Griswold, The New Yorker

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Parishioner and Staff Book Recommendations

Mary Oliver
A beautiful collection of poetry that deepens one's connection with God and the Spirit. Mary Oliver has the ability to describe the beauty of God's creation in poetic song. - Julie Mushkin

Don't Sing Songs to a Heavy Heart: How to Relate to Those Who Are Suffering
Kenneth C. Haugk
This is a very practical book for anyone who wants to support a friend or a loved one who is going through something difficult. Written from personal experience, this book teaches you what words and conversations help you to be genuinely present to someone who is suffering. - Rev. Benjamin Hart

Walking a Sacred Path: Rediscovering the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Practice
Lauren Artress
This book explores the importance of labyrinths as tools to take us beyond our logical approach to religion and reignite spirituality in our faith lives. - Sara Ceresa

Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion
Sara Miles
A group of us at St. Matthew's were so inspired by her sudden awakening to the Eucharist that led her to start a Food Pantry at St. Gregory of Nyssa that we invited her as our Dimensions of Faith speaker in 2009. Shortly after, we opened our own Food Pantry, closely based on St. Gregory's model of opening our doors to those in need and inviting them to stand with us and serve as welcome neighbors and friends. Her book is charming, an easy read, and it will transform you. - Robin Garr