"O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands: serve the Lord with gladness,
St. Matthew's Music Program
Music that gives breath and voice to St. Matthew's mission

The choir is composed of a vibrant group of church musicians who love singing. Our choral selections are typically classical in style, in four-part harmony (including soprano, alto, tenor, and bass parts) and span a wide variety of time periods from the Renaissance all the way up through modern choral music. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-9:00pm and sings hymns and anthems during the 10am service on Sundays. The choir year typically extends from mid-August through Pentecost, and the choir takes a well-earned hiatus during the summer months.

The handbell ensemble at St. Matthews Episcopal Church is composed of a group of approximately ten ringers who collectively "make a joyful noise to the Lord." This ensemble plays a mixture of handbells and chimes and performs approximately once per month during the 10am service on Sundays. This ensemble rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:15pm.
The children of St. Matthews Episcopal Church play a special role in the music ministry of the church. They perform during services on Palm Sunday, Christmas Eve, and more. The youth group also participates in music making on Youth Sunday in late May.

Guest Musicians
An important hallmark of the music ministry at St. Matthews Episcopal Church is our incorporation of guest musicians into our worship throughout the year. Our favorite occasions to invite guest musicians include St. Matthews Day, All Saints Day, Maundy Thursday, Easter, and Pentecost.