Adult Formation

Adult Confirmation

Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which the candidates "express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop" (BCP, p. 860). Those who were baptized at an early age and those baptized as adults without laying on of hands by a bishop are expected to make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop (BCP, p. 412). Adults baptized with the laying on of hands by a bishop are considered to be confirmed.
Participants in the confirmation/reception class can expect to gain a basic understanding of the Christian faith and its manifestation in the Episcopal Church. Classes will follow the book, Your Faith, Your Life - An Invitation to the Episcopal Church, by Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis, which will be provided. Confirmation and Reception are rooted in the baptismal covenant. The candidates reaffirm their renunciation of evil and renew their commitment to Jesus Christ. They reaffirm the promises made by them or for them at the time of baptism. Those present in the congregation promise to do all in their power to support the candidates in their life in Christ. The bishop leads the congregation in renewing the baptismal covenant. The bishop then lays hands on each candidate for Confirmation/Reception.

Book Group

Book Club meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the lounge. There is no need to purchase, as we read from local library book kits. Genres run from fiction to non, history, biographies, mystery and local writers. The focus of the group is lively discussion of the books and any other subject that may present itself. Join us; watch for notices in the Sunday bulletin and eSpirit. Contact Susan Kimbrough or Julie Mushkin for more information. 

Clingman Forum

Clingman Forum gathers weekly after the 10 a.m. Eucharist, aiming to help the St. Matthew’s community get through life by listening to and educating each other and creating something new together. It aims to provide a non-judgmental, apolitical forum to encourage out-of-the-box or divergent thinking. Clingman Forum seeks to encourage sharing, participation, and contribution with the recognition that everyone has talent, skill, knowledge, and imagination that can benefit the rest of us and with the acknowledgment that these are gifts from God. The Forum moved seamlessly online during the pandemic, with weekly speakers. Contact Robin Garr, Susan Brokeshire-Prater, Amy Tidwell, or Julie Mushkin for more information. 

Daughters of the King

The Hildegard Visionary Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King was installed at St. Matthew’s Episcopal in January 2005. It is a religious order founded in 1885, with chapters all over the world. The Reverend Kelly Kirby is our chaplain.
As a Daughter of the King, each Daughter takes a lifetime vow to live by the rules of life: prayer and service. A Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of prayer, service, and evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish. Each Daughter is given a cross of the order, which she wears proudly. We welcome all women of the parish to become a member of the Daughters of the King. We offer training for women who are interested each year. Please let us know if you feel called to this ministry! For more information, contact the Rev. Jan Scholtz.

Dimensions of Faith

Dimensions of Faith is an endowed lecture series that brings distinguished speakers to St. Matthew’s, usually twice a year. It aims to offer intellectually stimulating and provocative forums on social, ethical, and theological issues. It is intended to reflect the Episcopal tradition of being open to diverse points of view. In February of 2022, journalist Steve Crump led a panel discussion titled, “Facing an Uncomfortable Truth: From Action to Empowerment.” John Philip Newell was our Fall 2022 guest, and Silas House joined us in March 2023. Our upcoming Spring 2024 speaker will be Bishop Mariann Budde. For further information or to join the Dimensions of Faith committee, please contact Julie Mushkin. 


It is our belief that each one of us who claim to follow Jesus is charged by Jesus to be ministers, to have a ministry, and to use the gifts that have been bestowed on us by God.  EfM is the basic training that can help prepare us for our ministry.
EfM is an in-depth adult educational opportunity that combines the study of scripture, church history, and theology. The four-year course is intended to help lay church members gain a strong understanding of the Bible with a full year devoted each to the Old Testament and one covering the New Testament. The study of church history covers the growth and development of the church from its very beginning to the recent past. The study of theology helps students develop an understanding of their own beliefs and challenges them to think and study their understanding and beliefs about God and Christ. Students learn to reflect from a theological perspective on issues that face us daily.
At the current time, the EfM class meets virtually one day a week, beginning each course year in January through June. EfM then takes the months of July and August off and then meets again from September through November. For information, contact Julie Mushkin. 


Foyer--a French word meaning 'hearthside'--implies the warmth of a close group of friends sharing a common love and concern for each other. There is something about gathering around a table.  We relax, enjoy a meal, get to know each other, and strengthen the bonds of community. That is a foyer group! There are four types of foyer groups: restaurant dinner, restaurant brunch, home, and family.  Groups are diverse, and we welcome new members. Foyer groups are open to all. Restaurant (dinner and brunch): Louisville has great restaurants and folks from St. Matthew's are huge supporters. We love good food, making new friends, and are eager to explore. Each year, a growing number of parishioners join this foyer concept.  Restaurant foyers, both dinner and weekend brunch, are open to all. Sign-ups begin at the Ministry Fair, continue through September, and we begin dining in October.  
Home: We invite individuals or couples of all ages to participate and then divide into groups of 7 to 10 people, who meet in the home of one of the members of the group each month. Generally, the host provides the main course while the other members fill in the rest of the meal such as appetizers, bread, salad, veggies, dessert, etc. A simple soup and bread or an evening of wine and cheese works, too! For more information, contact Julie Mushkin.

Going Deeper

Going Deeper is a group of women (usually less than 20) who meet for fellowship and support as we participate in various studies that lead us deeper spiritually. Going Deeper meets from 9:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, except during Advent and Lent, when the group meets weekly. We meet either on Zoom or in person in the library. Our meeting location will be available in the weekly eSpirit. Depending on the study, we may have one leader for the study or several leaders who use a Leaders Guide in a shared leadership.
Anyone is welcome to join us anytime. The beginning of a study is an especially good time to start. We value different perspectives, and we look forward to seeing new members. For more information, to be added to the group email list for meetings, contact Denee Bannister or Julie Mushkin.

Ladies Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is open to all women in the parish and meets monthly on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30 A.M. We gather at a local restaurant, chosen by the group, to enjoy each other and good food. Recent outings have included River House, Napa River Grill, and Irish Rover. It is not unusual that a life-long friendship is formed. We would love to see you. Contact Peggy Enriquez or Julie Mushkin for more information.

Men's Breakfast Group

The Men’s Breakfast group gathers like a foyer group to enjoy a good meal and good company. The focus is on caring for one another. Contact Joe Paul Pruett or Julie Mushkin for more information.

Men in Conversation

Men in Conversation is a group that when possible (depending on current Public Health advisories) meet at 8:30 AM for in person breakfast on the 3rd Tuesday each month at Wild Eggs in Westport Village to share in conversation regarding topics of common interest such as recent books, podcasts, movies or travel. During the pandemic, most of our meetings have pivoted to a Zoom platform at 9:00 AM on the same day. Those who want to be included in the notices (as well as the link for the Zoom meeting) for this group, please contact John Shelby or Julie Mushkin for more information. 

Monday Bible Study

This Bible study takes place on Monday mornings in the library during the program year. We gather at 10a to visit with one another and ask questions about what is going on in our parishes and in the larger church. At 10:15a, we begin the study with a prayer. We take turns reading through the text and then ask questions together. Examples include the following: When was it written? What is happening in the text? What did it mean for the original audience? What kind of literature is it? How does this passage connect with other passages in the Bible?What does it mean for us? Where was it written? What does it tell us about God? Most of the time, the study is spent asking questions of the text and then searching for answers. This group has been led by at least 3 different rectors and numerous interims. The Monday Bible Study is beginner-friendly, for we rely on the wisdom of the group to increase our biblical knowledge and understanding. The study ends at 11:00 with the group praying the Lord’s Prayer together. We usually have a Christmas party in December, and in February, we take a field trip to the Temple. Contact Kelly Kirby for more information.

Pub Theology


Skill Sharing


Women in Conversation

Women in Conversation is a lay-led conversation group that discusses topics of interest. We meet on most Tuesdays at noon for 1½ hours. The group usually discusses a source, such as a book or podcast, which may or may not cover a religious topic. When we read a book, we discuss a chapter a week. Our conversations often branch out from our chosen source into our daily lives or topics in the news. All women are welcome. For more information, contact Judy Fischer or Julie Mushkin.